Interested in Opening
a Restaurant Movie Theater Concept?

Learn the Ins and Outs of this niche industry from
owners who have been doing it for 7 years.

For everyone that always thought this was a great idea, but didn't have the information available to properly research it, the owners of Farrelli's Cinema Supper Club have created an information package, customized just for you.

Our initial service provides the overview of items you need to begin researching your prospective area. There is much you need to learn about the potential location, costs and demographics so that you can make accurate assessments of your probability for success. Your costs and revenues, your ability to procure movies and other critical factors will completely vary depending upon the circumstances of your locale. Assessing this ahead of time is essential so that you can make an informed decision about whether this type of business operation is suited for you and your desired location.

Customized Initial Consulting Package Includes:
4 Hours of Professional Niche Industry Information and Assistance,
through Email, Telephone and/or On Site

Offering customized assistance based on your unique needs,
questions and current stages of planning using the information
and experience we have gained by operating for 7 years.

Special Limited Time Package...Only $499!!

Information Categories to Select from for your 4 Hours of Consulting Time:
  • Financial Overview:
    • A general guideline and estimation of expected expense categories and possible revenue expectations based on your own research on location, size and type of restaurant movie theatre.
  • Movie Industry:
    • A general education about how the movie industry works, and what type of movie theatre you could possibly be categorized as...first run, intermediate or other type of movie theatre.
  • Equipment:
    • General description of possible theatre, kitchen, bar and service area equipment needs.
  • Personnel
    • General staffing needs and payroll expectations
  • Marketing, Advertising and Promotions that Work for this Niche Business!
  • Theatre/Dining Room Design Guidelines
  • Meeting and Event Services
  • Food and Beverage Options and Objectives
  • Reviewing Your Current Plans, Research, Statistics
Should you decide to move forward with your business, FCSC Consulting offers additional workshops, packages and services to help you at any phase along the way. Please contact us if you would like to move forward and learn more about this niche industry and if it is suited to your abilities, finances and expertise at 480-905-7200 or via email at

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